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Uncommon Knowledge - WC_WI_NEXT% (Continued)

On certain processes Reset must be set to force recognition of the Wi_Next status. Unless stated otherwise assume that Reset = 6 kills the window.

    Post Init     If Reset < 6 Wi_Next is ignored.
    Dflt          On key prompt when key has not been filled in - If Reset
                  < 6 then Wi_Next is ignored. On all other prompts - Reset
                  1 - 3 has no effect, 4 or 5 runs the pre prompt logic, the
                  perpetual logic then goes to the other prompt.
    Pre Prompt    On key prompt when key has not been filled in - If Reset
                  < 6 then Wi_Next is ignored. On all other prompts - Reset
                  1 - 3 has no effect, 4 or 5 runs the perpetual logic then
                  goes to the other prompt.
    Edit          On a key prompt - If a key has not previously been filled
                  in, regardless of Reset, Wi_Next is ignored. If a key has
                  been filled in but changed, null - 3 are ignored (though
                  with differing results on the processes called). Reset = 4
                  runs the perpetual process before going to the prompt and
                  Reset = 5 goes straight to the prompt. On a single valued
                  prompt -  If Reset is not set or is 1 it is ignored. Reset
                  = 2/3 runs Post/Perpetual before going to the nominated
                  prompt. Reset = 4 runs Perpetual before going to prompt.
                  Reset = 5 just goes to prompt. On a grouped multi-valued
                  prompt - Regardless of setting of Reset runs
                  Post/Perpetual going to prompt. NB This even ignores a
                  Reset of 6 and does not close the window. On a text prompt
                  or a non-grouped multivalued prompt- Ignores any
                  combination of Reset until the prompt is exited where it
                  will act on a Reset value > 1. On exit a Reset = 2/3 will
                  run the Post/Perpetual before going to the prompt. Reset =
                  4 will run the Perpetual process before going to the
                  prompt. Reset = 5 will just go to the prompt.
    Post Prompt   On a key prompt - If a key has not previously been
                  entered then Wi_Next is ignored regardless of Reset. If a
                  key has not been changed then Reset is not required for
                  the prompt to be moved to - null - 4 cause the perpetual
                  process to be run before the next prompt is entered. Reset
                  = 5 omits the Perpetual. If a key has been entered but
                  changed then Reset 1- 3 is ignored. Reset = 4 will run the
                  Perpetual process before going to the prompt. Reset = 5
                  will just go to the prompt. On all other prompts -  Reset
                  = Null - 4 runs Perpetual before going to prompt. Reset =
                  5 just goes to prompt.
    Perpetual     On a key prompt -If a key has not previously been entered
                  or if the key has changed then any Reset value other than
                  6 (which closes the window) runs Pre Read/Rep Read/Post
                  Read before going to prompt. If a key has previously been
                  entered but has not changed the Reset is not required for
                  the move to take affect. On all other prompts - All
                  settings (other than 6 but including null) go to the
    Softkey       On a key prompt - if the key field is empty or return has
                  not yet been pressed Wi_Next cannot be made to work. If
                  the key has already been accepted the Reset values of null
                  or 1 are ignored. Reset = 2/3 runs Post/Perpetual before
                  going to prompt. Reset = 4 runs Perpetual before going to
                  prompt. Reset = 5 just goes to the prompt. On all other
                  prompts- If the field is empty or filled in and accepted,
                  if Reset is set to null or 1 it is ignored. Reset = 2/3
                  runs Post/Perpetual before going to prompt. Reset = 4 runs
                  Perpetual before going to prompt. Reset = 5 just goes to
                  the prompt. If the field is filled in but return has not
                  been pressed yet, if Reset is not set it is ignored. Reset
                  = 1 runs Edit/Post Prompt/Perpetual before going to
                  prompt. The rest of the Reset codes are as above.
(Volume 4, Issue 4, Pages 12,13)
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