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QTIPS - Updating Multiple Dictionaries With A Single Command

Jim Poe of Adobe Mountain Systems Inc writes as follows - "If you are updating a system and need to update more than one dictionary, you can accomplish all the updates in one copy command by using the SYSCOLUMNS file as the destination file. As an example

     Updating file DICT.CUSTOMERS, field NAME
     Updating file DICT.INVOICES, field INVOICE_DATE
     Use this command:

One caveat - SYSCOLUMNS will translate FILE_NAME to FILE.NAME if appropriate, but will not translate FIELD_NAME to FIELD.NAME."

He then expands on this by saying

"When updating an include record such as an equate list that is used in multiple table dictionaries you can do the following:

     SELECT SYSCOLUMNS IF FORMULA [] "$Insert Bp,Dict_Equates"

Then finally to ensure that he has really earned his sweatshirt he comments

"The following code is useful when called from the editor softkeys. It allows you to retrieve a formula from a dictionary item or a record from a source file and have it inserted in the current formula or record that you are editing"

0001        Subroutine Insert_Source(Param)
0002         @Pseudo = ""
0003         * Use existing system window to get file and record(s) to merge
0004         Call Catalyst("W", "@COMMANDS@ EDIT.ANOTHER")
0005         If Len(@Pseudo<1>) Then
0006          File = @Pseudo<1>
0007          Record = @Pseudo<2>
0008          If File[1,4] = "DICT" Then
0009            Record = Xlate(File,Record, 8, "X")
0010            Convert @Fm To @Vm In Record
0011          End Else
0012            Record = Xlate(File, Record, "", "X")
0013          End
0014          /*
0015            Now put the information into @Cur.Buf and reset Cur.Buf<1> to
0016            point to it. Use 6 as this is beyond where Cut/Paste normally
0017            operates
0018          */
0019          @Cur.Buf<1> = 6
0020          @Cur.Buf<7> = Record
0021          @Data = @Edit.Keys<10> ; * ^F4 - paste
0022         End
0023        Return

Simply catalog the above program then add it as a softkey using the CW EDIT_SOFTKEYS command as documented in the 2.12 upgrade information.

(Volume 4, Issue 4, Pages 4,5)
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