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Version 3 Technical Highlights - Add_Buttons

The program on the following pages uses this extended functionality to put buttons on the screen in an AREV window as in the illustration below. When the buttons are pointed at and clicked with the mouse the buttons give the illusion of being pressed into the screen and provide an audible click. Setting up the buttons is simple a case of putting five parameters per button into Register(5) of the window (see below), the parameters being Label, X, Y, Code Command as shown below. Then add a call to ADD_BNS passing PRE_INIT on the pre init hook. The program works by adding "pseudo" prompts for each button into the window at pre init. It then checks on a perpetual process to see if these prompts are in WC_Wi_Next%. If they are they can be there by either arrowing to the prompt or clicking on the prompt. Arrowing (or returning) to the prompt should ignore the prompts and continue on in the direction of travel. Clicking on the prompt with a mouse should action the code and command.

 º                                      º
 º Customer Id   1                      º
 º Company Name  FIRST BANK OF NEW YORK º
 º Contact Name  Rick Garber            º
 º               Jim Lovell             º
 º   ÚÄÄÄÄ·  ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ·  ÚÄÄÄ·        º
 º   ³Saveº  ³Table Modeº  ³TCLº        º
 º   ÔÍÍÍͼ  ÔÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ  ÔÍÍͼ        º

     Example Parameters in Register(5) For Above Screen
     Table Mode|10|5|K|{CTRL-F5}

To determine whether the prompt was clicked on, @PROG.CHAR is checked. If it is four characters long a mouse click was used. (See above). Note that WC_Wi_Next% is not reliable when exiting an associated MVed prompt. Essentially when an AMV group is exited by pressing return, WC_Wi_Next% is not set. Rather WC_Mv_Next% is set to two more than the count of MVs in the group! This behaviour is not new, but large thanks to Alan Humphrey/Bob Madden of Revelation Technologies for helping to pinpoint it.

The only remaining point of interest is that the window processor obviously uses the length of the prompt label and entry to work out whether a prompt has been clicked on using InRect. Originally the program following made the prompt label equal to the complete button string but this led to false alarms when clicking ANYWHERE on the prompt line. Hence the use of a pre-key process to actually draw the button.

0001    Subroutine Add_BNS(Branch)
0002    /*
0003      Author  AMcA
0004      Date    Sept 1992
0005      Notes   Note for BP@ read ButtonPrompts@, for Bn read Button
0006    */
0007      GoTo Main
0008      Declare Subroutine Catalyst, VSpace, Delay, Msg
0009      $Insert SysInclude, Window_Common%
0010      $Insert SysInclude, LcPositions
0011      $Insert SysInclude, Virtual.Params
0012      $Insert SysInclude, Logical
0013      $Insert SysInclude, Window.Constants
0014      Equ RegisterToUse$ To 49 ; * Window Register 5
0015      Equ BnLabel$ To 1
0016      Equ BnX$ To 2
0017      Equ BnY$ To 3
0018      Equ BnCode$ To 4
0019      Equ BnCommand$ To 5
0020      Equ Dm$ To Char(247)
0022    Main:
0023      Common /WindowBns/ BP@, BnLabelPrePress@,
0024    BnLabelPress@
0025      Begin Case
0026       Case Branch = "PRE_KEY" ; GoSub SetUpBns
0027       Case Branch = "PRE_INIT" ;GoSub PreInit
0028       Case Branch = "PERP" ;    GoSub Perpetual
0029      End Case
0030    Return
0032    Perpetual:
0033      CAG = WC_Curr_Amv_Group%
0034      If CAG Then
0035       If WC_Mv_Next%>(WC_Amv_Vars%<CAG,Amv.Depth$>+1) Then
0036        * Moving out of an AMV group downwards so the next prompt will be
0037        * equal to the start pos + count of prompts + 1
0038        WC_Wi_Next%=WC_Amv%<CAG,1>+ WC_Amv_Vars%<CAG, Amv.Width$>
0039       End
0040      End
0041      Locate WC_Wi_Next% In BP@ Using @Fm Setting Pos Then
0042       If Len(@Prog.Char) = 4 Then
0043        * Asked to mouse to Bn prompt so get options code and command and
0044        * execute it
0045        Old_Wi_Next% = WC_Wi_Next%
0046        GoSub BnPress
0047        Catalyst(WC_W%(BP@<Pos>)<Options.Code>, WC_W% (BP@<Pos>)
0048                <Options.Command>)
0049        If WC_Wi_Next% # Old_Wi_Next% Then
0050         * Do nothing, user must have changed it in catalyst
0051        End Else
0052         * Return whence one came
0053         WC_Wi_Next% = WC_Wi%
0054        End
0055        @Prog.Char = ""
0056       End Else
0057        * Normal attempt to move into the Bn prompt so just increment Wi_Next%
0058        Exit = False$
0059        Begin Case
0060         Case WC_Wi% = 1 And WC_Wi_Next% = WC_W_Cnt%
0061           Loop
0062            Locate WC_Wi_Next% In BP@ Using @Fm Setting Pos Else
0063             Exit = True$
0064            End
0065           Until Exit
0066            Wi_Next% -= 1
0067           Repeat
0068         Case WC_Wi_Next% > WC_Wi%
0069           Loop
0070            WC_Wi_Next% += 1
0071            Locate WC_Wi_Next% In BP@ Using @Fm Setting Pos Else
0072             Exit = True$
0073            End
0074            If WC_Wi_Next% > WC_W_Cnt% Then
0075             WC_Wi_Next% = 1
0076            End
0077           Until Exit Repeat
0078         Case WC_Wi_Next% < WC_Wi%
0079           Loop
0080            WC_Wi_Next% -= 1
0081            Locate WC_Wi_Next% In BP@ Using @Fm Setting Pos Else
0082             Exit = True$
0083            End
0084            If WC_Wi_Next% < 1 Then
0085             WC_Wi_Next% = WC_W_Cnt%
0086            End
0087           Until Exit Repeat
0088        End Case
0089       End
0090      End
0091    Return
0093    PreInit:
0094    BnDetails = Field(@Record, Dm$, RegisterToUse$)
0095    If BnDetails Then
0096      * For each Bn defined, add into prompt array and into labelled common
0097      Convert "|" : @Vm To @Vm : @Fm In BnDetails
0098      BnCtr = Count(BnDetails, @Fm) + 1
0099      PromptArray = @Record[1,Char(247)]
0100      PromptCount = PromptArray<1>
0101      For X = 1 To BnCtr
0102       PromptCount += 1
0103       Bn = BnDetails<X>
0104       Prompt = ""
0105       Prompt<0,Type> = "F"
0106       GoSub ConstructBnLabel
0107       Prompt<0,D> = BnText
0108       Prompt<0,DA> = "^PL^"
0109       Prompt<0,DX> = BnX + 1
0110       Prompt<0,DY> = BnY
0111       Prompt<0,VX> = BnX + 1 ; Prompt<0,VY> = BnY
0112       Prompt<0,VLen> = 0 ; Prompt<0,VA> = "^PE^"
0113       Prompt<0,Options.Code> = Bn<0, BnCode$>
0114       Prompt<0,Options.Command> = Bn<0, BnCommand$>
0115       PromptArray = Insert(PromptArray,PromptCount+1,0,0,Prompt)
0116      Next
0117      PromptArray<1> = PromptCount
0118      @Record = FieldStore(@Record, Dm$, 1, -1, PromptArray)
0119      @Record = FieldStore(@Record, Dm$, 9, 1, "")
0120      BP@ = ""
0121      Top = PromptCount
0122      Bottom = Top - BnCtr + 1
0123      For X = Bottom To Top
0124       BP@<-1> = X
0125      Next
0126    End
0127    * Finally add Perpetual and Pre Key call in if not there
0128    PerpetualCall = Field(@Record, Dm$, 45)
0129    Begin Case
0130      Case PerpetualCall<1> = ""
0131       PerpetualCall = "S" : @Vm : "ADD_BNS,PERP"
0132      Case Index(PerpetualCall<1>, "ADD_BNS,PERP", 1)
0133       Null
0134      Case 1
0135       PerpetualCall<1,1> = PerpetualCall<1,1> : ";S"
0136       PerpetualCall<1,2> = PerpetualCall<1,2> : ";ADD_BNS,PERP"
0137    End Case
0138    @Record = FieldStore(@Record, Dm$, 45, 1, PerpetualCall)
0139    PreCode = @Record<2, Pre.Code>
0140    PostCode = @Record<2, Post.Command>
0141    Begin Case
0142      Case Index(@Record<2, Pre.Command>, "ADD_BNS,PRE_KEY", 1)
0143       Null
0144      Case 1
0145       @Record<2, Pre.Code> = "S;" : @Record<2, Pre.Code>
0146       @Record<2,Pre.Command>="ADD_BNS,PRE_KEY":";":@Record<2, Pre.Command>
0147      End Case
0148      Delay(0)
0149    Return
0151    ConstructBnLabel:
0152      BnText = Bn<0, BnLabel$>
0153      BnX = Bn<0, BnX$>
0154      BnY = Bn<0, BnY$>
0155      BnLabelLength = Len(BnText)
0156      BnLabelTemp = @(BnX,BnY- 1):"Ú":Str("Ä",BnLabelLength):"·"
0157      BnLabelTemp := @(BnX,BnY):"³":BnText:"º"
0158      BnLabelTemp := @(BnX,BnY+1):"Ô":Str("Í",BnLabelLength):"¼"
0159      BnLabelPrePress@<X> = BnLabelTemp
0160      BnLabelTemp = @(BnX,BnY- 1):"Ú":Str("Ä",BnLabelLength):"¿"
0161      BnLabelTemp := @(BnX, BnY) : "³" : BnText : "³"
0162      BnLabelTemp := @(BnX,BnY+1):"À":Str("Ä",BnLabelLength):"Ù"
0163      BnLabelPress@<X> = BnLabelTemp
0164    Return
0166    BnPress:
0167      X = WC_W%(WC_Wi_Next%)<DX>
0168      Y = WC_W%(WC_Wi_Next%)<DY>
0169      ReleaseColour = WC_W%(WC_Wi_Next%)<DA>
0170      ReleaseBn = ReleaseColour : BnLabelPrePress@<Pos>
0171      If Branch = "PERP" Then
0172       PressColour = WC_W%(WC_Wi_Next%)<VA>
0173       PressBn = PressColour : BnLabelPress@<Pos>
0174       Vspace(VPrnt, Flag, VWindow%, X, Y, PressBn)
0175       Out 67, 182 ; Out 66, 21 ; Out 66, 0
0176       OldValue = Inp(97) ; NewValue = BitOr(OldValue, 03)
0177       Out 97,NewValue
0178       Delay(.2)
0179       NewValue = BitAnd(OldValue,252)
0180       Out 97,NewValue
0181      End
0182      Vspace(VPrnt, Flag, WC_VWindow%, X, Y, ReleaseBn)
0183    Return
0185    SetUpBns:
0186      BnCtr = Count(BP@, @Fm) + 1
0187      For Ctr = 1 To BnCtr
0188       X = WC_W%(BP@<Ctr>)<DX>
0189       Y = WC_W%(BP@<Ctr>)<DY>
0190       ReleaseColour = WC_W%(BP@<Ctr>)<DA>
0191       ReleaseBn = ReleaseColour : BnLabelPrePress@<Ctr>
0192       Vspace(VPrnt, Flag, WC_VWindow%, X, Y, ReleaseBn)
0193      Next
0194    Return

(Volume 4, Issue 5, Pages 12-15)
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